Unfortunately not all our wants in life can just be talked into existence, some things require us to get up and go get them. You can't grow crops without plowing the ground first and you can't reach your own greatness without putting forth effort. Hotdogs and gymshoes is an old phrase that describes someone who works hard daily, to provide for his or hers family. So rather you kiss your love ones on the cheek in the morning before going to "Bring home the bacon" "Make the donuts" or to buy the HotDogs & GymShoes, you are amongst the motivated like-minded warriors that OVERSTAND that just talking things that you and your family may desire into existence isn't enough...Greatness awaits you ...WALK IT INTO EXISTENCE
A percentage of all items purchased goes toward free community events such as, care package stations for the homeless , Back to school backpack with supplies giveaway ,Easter ,birthday ,Christmas gift giveaways and ect